Openwork Stag Plaque
Caucasian 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Bronze H:18cm W:20cm
Mamluk Pilgrim Flask
Egypt, Near East 13th to 14th Century A.D. Glass D:8cm
Sahidic Coptic Fragment
Egypt 9th to 10th Century A.D. Papyrus, Ink H:25cm W:24cm
Corinthian Helmet
Greece 6th Century B.C. Bronze H:22cm
Byzantine Mosaic Panel
Byzantine Empire 4th to 5th Century A.D. Stone H:79cm W:200cm
Torso of an Idol
Greece Bronze Age, 2500-2000 B.C. Marble H:32cm
Mamluk Candlestick
Syria, Egypt 14th Century A.D. Silver-inlay, Brass H:22cm D:17cm
Head of Hadrian
Roman, Italy 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Marble H:36cm W:25cm
Calligraphic Fragment from the Alhambra
Spain 14th Century A.D. Stucco H:19cm W:29cm
Large Bronze Figure of Osiris
Egypt Late Period, 1st Millennium B.C. Bronze H:55cm
Gold and Bronze Statuette of Ptah
Egypt 750-332 B.C., Late Period Gold, Bronze H:17cm W:4cm
Cuneiform Barrel-Cylinder
Neo-Babylonian 605-562 B.C. Clay H:4.4cm W:9.6cm
Amlash Female Figure
Ancient Iran 1st Millennium B.C. Terracotta H:31.75cm
Assyrian Cuneiform Tablet
Old Assyrian Period Circa 1900 B.C. Terracotta H:8.5cm W:6cm
Old Assyrian Period Circa 1950-1850 B.C. Terracotta H:11.3cm W:6.3cm
Roman Torso of a Youth
1st to 2nd Century A.D. Marble H:82cm
Pachycephalosaurus Skull
USA Late Cretaceous Period, C. 68-66 Million Years Ago Fossilised Bone H:33cm W:24cm
Important Book of Ottoman Costumes
Ottoman Empire late 18th century A.D Watercolour on Paper H:32cm W:19cm
Edmontosaurus Skull
USA Late Cretaceous Period, C. 68-66 Million Years Ago Fossilised Bone H:53cm W:28cm
The Harrods Triceratops Skull
USA Late Cretaceous Period, C. 68-66 Million Years Ago Fossilised Bone W:118cm
Sabre Cat ‘Nimravidae’ Skeleton
USA Oligocene, circa 33.7 to 23.8 million years ago Fossilised Bone H:49cm W:20cm
Prehistoric Giant Turtle
USA Early Eocene. 50 million years Fossil H:155cm W:139cm
Bronze Hoard
Corsica Circa 900 B.C. Bronze
USA Late Cretaceous Period, C. 68-66 Million Years Ago Fossilised Bone H:200cm W:600cm
‘Four Dragons’ Mirror
China Warring States Period, 481 B.C. – 221 B.C., Zhou Dynasty Bronze W:11.6cm
Important Minai Fragment
Ancient Iran C. 1200 A.D. Pottery H:16cm
Ushabti for Ta-Miat
Egypt Second Intermediate Period-Early 18th Dynasty, 1630-1540 B.C. Limestone H:25.3cm
Bronze Siren
Greek or Etruscan 5th to 4th Century B.C. Bronze H:5.5cm W:3.5cm
Griffin Protome
Greece C. 7th century B.C. Bronze H:12cm
Sardinian Warrior
7th to 6th Century B.C Bronze H:16cm
Cairo Genizah Fragment
Medieval Judaica 9th to 10th Century A.D. Ink on Vellum H:27cm W:30cm
Half Triceratops Skull
USA Late Cretaceous Period, C. 68-66 Million Years Ago Fossilised Bone H:97.8cm W:59cm
France Oligocene. 30 million years ago Calcium Carbonate H:79cm W:107cm
Talpur Gun
Northern India c. 1823 to 1833 A.D Steel, Enamel, Gold, Wood H:29.9cm W:144.5cm
Five Pages
Central Asia C. 1377 to 1447 A.D Gold leaf, Ink, Paper
Ushabti for Udjarenes
Egypt Late 25th to early 26th Dynasty, C. 670-650 B.C Serpentine H:18.5cm
Head of a King
Egypt 1540-1190 B.C., 18th/19th Dynasty Limestone H:36.7cm W:48.3cm
Silver Zebu Bull
Hittite 2nd Millennium B.C. Silver H:11.4cm
Inscribed Bull Stele
Yemen 3rd Century B.C. to 1st Century A.D. Alabaster H:36.2cm
Head of a Woman
Yemen 3rd to 1st Century B.C. Alabaster H:24cm
Nanosaurus Skeleton
USA Late Jurassic, circa 150 million years old Fossilised Bone H:64cm W:25cm
Ibex Frieze
Yemen 3rd to 1st Century B.C. Alabaster H:20.8cm W:49.5cm
Relief Fragment
Egypt 1292 to 1075 B.C., 19th to 20th Dynasty Limestone H:28.9cm W:37.5cmD:3.8cm
Statuette of the God Bes
Egypt 1st Millennium B.C. Bone H:5cm
Portrait Bust of a Man
Roman 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Marble H:49cm W:33cm
Fine and Rare Minai Bowl
Ancient Iran, Kashan C. 1220 A.D. Pottery D:14cm
Head of Khnum
Egypt 1296 to 656 B.C., New Kingdom to Third Intermediate Steatite H:7.9cm W:6.6cm
Ushabti of Tious
Egypt 664-525 B.C. Faience H:16.2cm
Ushabti for Amenemopet
Egypt C. 1390 - 1213 B.C Wood H:14.5cm
Kashan Turquoise Glazed Jar
Ancient Iran, Kashan 12th to 13th Century A.D. Pottery H:71cm
Large Faience Ram
Egypt 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Faience H:4cm W:6.5cm
Sculptor's Model
Egypt New Kingdom, 1550 to 1077 B.C. Limestone H:15.5cm
Head Of A Dignitary
Egypt New Kingdom, 1550 to 1077 B.C. Stone H:15.5cm
Etruscan Gold Necklace
Etruscan 5th to 4th Century B.C. Gold, Glass W:47cm
Lombardic Gold Disk
Italy 5th to 6th Century A.D. Gold H:6.5cm
Camptosaurus Skeleton
USA Late Jurassic Period 154 Million Years Ago Fossil H:140cm W:94cm
Juvenile Triceratops Skull
USA Late Cretaceous Period, C. 68-66 Million Years Ago Fossil H:210cm W:75cm
Fatimid Pen Box
Syria, Egypt, Fatimid 10th to 11th Century A.D. Glass W:11.8cm
Votive Head of a Man
Yemen 1st Century B.C. to 1st Century A.D. Alabaster H:27cm W:14cm
Axe Head Surmounted by an Ibex
Ancient Iran, Luristan 1st Millennium B.C. Bronze H:25.4cm
Yemen 3rd Century B.C. to 1st Century A.D. Alabaster H:22cm
Monumental Head of King Nectanebo II
Egypt 30th Dynasty, C. 360 to 342 B.C. Granite H:39.4cm
Baket-Mut, 'Chantress' of Amun
Egypt 19th Dynasty, C. 1285 - 1270 B.C. Polychrome, Limestone H:74cm W:44cm
Complete Anthropoid Cartonnage Coffin
Egypt 22nd Dynasty, C. 925 to 875 B.C. Pigments, Cartonnage H:177cm W:41cm
Wooden Anubis
Egypt Third Intermediate Period to Late Period Paint traces, Stucco, Wood H:24.8cm W:90cm
Back Pillar with Cartouche of Rameses II
Egypt New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, C.1279 to 1213 B.C. Schist H:34.4cm
Wooden Sarcophagus of Khamhor
Egypt 26th Dynasty, C. 664 to 525 B.C. Polychrome, Wood H:192cm
The 'Dattari' Baboon
Egypt 1200 to 1100 B.C., New Kingdom Steatite H:12cm
The Goddess Neith
Egypt 26th Dynasty, 6th to 5th Century B.C. Electrum, Bronze H:33cm
Attic Black-Figure Amphora
Greece 6th to 5th Century B.C. Terracotta H:45cm
The 'Guennol' Rhinoceros
possibly Egypt, Roman 76 to 138 A.D., Hadrianic Period Black Marble
Woman Carrying an Amphora
Cypro-Archaic C. 7th century B.C. Terracotta H:17.5cm W:5.4cm
Portrait Bust, possibly Lucius Verus
Roman 2nd to 3rd Century A.D. Marble H:73cm W:50cm
Large Iridescent Ammonite
Canada Cretaceous, C. 75-72 Million Years Ago Fossil H:36cm W:42.5cm
Magnificent Head Of Maitreya, Buddha
Indian Subcontinent 2nd to 3rd Century A.D. Schist H:25cm
Bust Of Maitreya
Indian Subcontinent 2nd to 3rd Century A.D. Schist H:67.8cm
Seljuk Mother and Child
Central Asia 10th to 16th Century A.D. Polychrome, Stucco H:31cm
Green Cut Glass Bottle
Central Asia 10th to 16th Century A.D. Glass H:22cm
The 'Damon' Candlestick
Central Asia 10th to 16th Century A.D. Copper H:24cm
Important Turban Helmet
Central Asia 1501 to 1722 A.D. Silver, Bronze H:32cm
Enamelled Mamluk Glass Beaker
Central Asia 14th Century A.D. Glass H:11.5cm
Monumental Jar with Turquoise Glaze
Ancient Iran 8th to 9th Century A.D. Pottery H:62cm
Umayyad Capital
Iberian 10th to 11th Century A.D. Limestone H:29cm W:16cm
The 'Gillet' Piravend
Ancient Iran, Luristan 1st Millennium B.C. Bronze H:22.8cm W:14.3cm
Inlaid Gold Torque
Central Asia 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Gold D:15cm
Ibex Headed Bracelet
Central Asia 6th to 5th Century B.C. Gold D:10.8cm
Hasaean Funerary Stone for 'Matmat'
South Arabia 5th to 4th Century B.C. Limestone H:25.5cm W:62cm
Libation Table
Yemen 7th to 5th Century B.C. Alabaster H:11.5cm W:27.5cm
Important Gold Fragment
Ancient Iran 7th to 5th Century B.C. Gold H:9.5cm W:9cm
Protome In The Shape Of A Winged Ibex
Achaemenid 5th to 4th Century B.C. Bronze H:13.3cm W:14.5cm
The 'George Sand' Bull
Ancient Iran 1st Millennium B.C. Terracotta H:37cm
Anthropomorphic Funerary Eye Stele
Yemen 4th to 3rd Century B.C. Limestone H:12cm W:15.5cm
Fragment Of A Scabbard Terminal
Mesopotamia 9th to 8th Century B.C. Gypsum H:26cm
Large Steatopygous Figure
Ancient Iran 1st Millennium B.C. Terracotta H:42cm
Sino-Siberian Dagger
Sino-Siberia 1st Millennium B.C. Bronze H:30.3cm
Neolithic Figure
Eastern Mediterranean 10000 to 4500 B.C., Neolithic Stone H:35.6cm
"Standard Inscription" Of Ashurnasirpal II
Mesopotamia 9th to 8th Century B.C. Gypsum H:6.3cm W:10.3cm
Two Luristan Pins
Ancient Iran 1st Millennium B.C. Bronze H:24.5cm
Inscribed Antelope Rhyton
Ancient Iran 6th to 7th Century A.D. Silver H:23cm W:5cm
Head Of A Man
Yemen 1st Century B.C. to 1st Century A.D. Alabaster H:14cm
Sasanian Royal Portrait Bust
Ancient Iran 5th to 6th Century A.D. Bronze H:33.6cm
Steatopygous Idol
Ancient Iran 1st Millennium B.C. Terracotta H:31cm W:20cm
Votive Head Of A Woman
Yemen 3rd to 1st Century B.C. Alabaster H:26.5cm W:10cm
Wooden Statue Of A Man
The 'Rockefeller' Relief
Egypt New Kingdom, 1550 to 1077 B.C. Clay, Stucco H:31.1cm
Polychrome Relief Fragment
Egypt 2686 to 2181 B.C., Old Kingdom Limestone H:33cm W:28cm
Jasper Tawaret Fragment
Egypt 1550 to 1077 B.C., New Kingdom Jasper, Stone H:4.5cm
Egypt 2040 to 1782 B.C., Middle Kingdom Alabaster H:22.2cm
Model Of A Boat
Egypt Middle Kingdom, 2040 to 1782 B.C. Polychrome, Wood W:79.5cm
Flint Dagger
Egypt 6000 to 3100 B.C., Pre-dynastic Stone W:30.5cm
Shabti For Seni-Em-Iah
Egypt 1550 to 1077 B.C., New Kingdom Limestone H:32.7cm W:7cm
Statuette of the Baboon God Thoth
Egypt 664 to 332 B.C., Late Period Limestone H:22.5cm
Fayum Portrait Of A Woman
Egypt, Greco-Roman 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Tempera on wood board H:35cm
Cat Head Of The Goddess Bastet
Egypt Late Period, 664 to 332 B.C. Bronze H:8.3cm W:6.8cm
Stele Of Sa-Pa-Ir
Egypt 1550 to 1077 B.C., New Kingdom Limestone H:58cm W:39cm
Ushabti For Ker-Ta
Egypt 1550 to 1077 B.C., New Kingdom Alabaster H:30cm W:9cm
Yetholm Sheild
British Isles 1200 to 800 B.C. Bronze D:60cm
Portrait Bust Of A Bearded Man
Roman 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Marble H:36cm
Neolithic Sesklo Idol
Greece 10000 to 4500 B.C., Neolithic Terracotta H:19.2cm W:8.5cm
Greece 6th to 5th Century B.C. Bronze H:34cm
Torso Of Apollo
Roman 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Marble H:87cm
Fresco Of An Ornamental Column
Roman 1st Century B.C. to 1st Century A.D. Polychrome, Plaster H:169cm W:47cm
'Gallatin' Head Of Artemis
Hellenistic 3rd to 1st Century B.C. Marble H:11cm
Head Of A Kore Or Sphinx
Greece 6th to 5th Century B.C. Limestone H:48.3cm
Iberian 6th to 5th Century B.C. Bronze H:26cm W:27cm
Head Of Dionysus Crowned With Ivy Wreath
Roman 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Marble H:33cm
Corinthian Helmet Of The 'Hermione' Type
Greece 6th to 5th Century B.C. Bronze H:26cm W:16.5cm
Kylix Depicting An Erotic Scene
Greece 5th to 4th Century B.C. Terracotta D:29.5cm
Gold Wreath
Etruscan 4th to 3rd Century B.C. Gold H:28cm
Mosaic Depicting A Unicorn
Roman 5th to 6th Century A.D. Mosaic H:128cm W:139.7cm
The Ryedale Roman Bronzes
Romano-British 4th to 5th Century A.D. Bronze H:8.7cm
Viking Sword of Petersen Type D
Viking 9th to 10th Century A.D. Iron H:88.7cm
Important Glass Bowl
Gallo-Roman, Merovingian 4th to 5th Century A.D. Glass H:9cm W:11.8cm
Bronze Neptune or Poseidon
Romano-British 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Bronze H:10.8cm
Monumental Torso of Hermes
Roman 1st to 2nd Century A.D. Marble H:82cm
The 'Everleigh' Philosopher
Romano-British 4th to 5th Century A.D. Bronze H:6.25cm W:2.4cm
Extraordinary Prehistoric Crocodilian
USA Eocene C. 55.8-48.6 million years ago Fossil H:163cm W:213cm
Qatabanian Inscription
South Arabia 1st Century B.C. to 1st Century A.D. Limestone H:10cm W:29cm
Amethystine Quartz Ointment Vase
Egypt 2040 to 1782 B.C., Middle Kingdom Amethystine H:9.4cm D:6.6cm